Top 5 Items

We love to hear about folks just getting started into the RV lifestyle.   It’s so exciting to be embarking on a new chapter in life but it can also be Uber overwhelming trying to figure out what all you need to get started.  I can only speak to our experience when purchasing our Motorhome, which we fondly call Wanderlust, but we really didn’t have a clue as to what items we needed vs those things that just seemed cool at the time.  So I decided to put together a list of the Top 5 items that you need to consider purchasing in order to make your RV lifestyle both convenient and fun.

Before we get into the list though, let me tell you that before you purchase anything (especially if you are purchasing a used RV) to check all of the storage bins on your unit before logging onto Amazon-Or your preferred vendor, because we purchased a few items that the previous owners were nice enough to leave behind for us.  That’s okay though because it’s always good to have some spares.

1.     Leveling Blocks-Many of the systems on your RV will require that the unit be level to operate, one of the most critical is the refrigerator-and I mean seriously, we can’t go camping without cold beverages, right?

2.     Potable Water Hose-Even though we grew up drinking out of the regular garden hose as kids, it’s a good idea to have a potable water safe hose for hooking up to the campground water supplies.


3.     Drain/Sewer Hose – We bought the RV so that we wouldn’t have to use public facilities, so we have to have a way to empty those holding tanks when our time at the campground is over.  (Or when they are full)


4.     Surge Protector-  Most modern RV’s have sophisticated electronics on board and they don’t respond well to surges and low voltage conditions, so this is a very important item to get right away, to avoid expensive and potentially dangerous situations relative to our electrical systems

5.     Water Pressure Regulator-Many campground water systems have water pressure issues that can cause damage to the fragile plumbing systems in our units, so we think this should be one of the first things that you purchase.

If you purchase these items, your initial camping trips should be fairly uneventful.   If you don’t have these items on hand, your first camping trips just might be catastrophic (and nobody wants that)………So we hope that you will give these items consideration and most importantly we hope that you fall in love with the RV lifestyle just like we have.

Stay tuned we will be following up with some items that we think are also important and that just might make your first camping trips more enjoyable.